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Member Benefits

Being a member of the Club Camera Tucson provides you with a strong community that shares your passion of photography. In addition, membership brings you:


Club camera holds a program meeting once a month that features a speaker. Often, speakers are professionals from outside of our club and may have national notoriety. Other times, we highlight the expertise of a club member. Our programs cover a diversity of subjects.


Club Camera offers a motivating experience to compete and receive feedback from judges who are professional photographers and educators from outside of our membership. Only members can enter images.


Members bring images to get feedback from peer members in a non-competitive, friendly environment.

Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups or SIGs offer members the opportunity to share their enthusiasm for a specific photographic genre or topic. Facilitated by a SIG Leader, the participants encourage learning by suggesting topics and sharing their related images, knowledge, creativity, and support.

Field Trips

During the year, Club Camera Tucson organizes field trips to various Arizona locations. A few times every year, we host a multi-day trip to distant locations such as Moab, Utah, Bosque del Apache, or the Eastern Sierras.


CCT is frequently invited to exhibit photos at local venues. This is an excellent opportunity to share your work outside of the club.

Membership Dues

New members may join at any time during the calendar year. Prospective members are welcome to attend a few of our meetings to meet other members and see how the club runs. The membership is good for 12 months from the date your membership begins. It is easy to join! Start your membership right away by clicking Sign Up Now.

Current Annual Dues:

$45 per year for an Individual Membership

$55 per year for a Family Membership (2 people in the same household)

Payment Methods

Payment can be made online via Visa, Discover or MasterCard which is available by clicking the Join Now.